Highest Quality Telephone Answering Service in America: Our most recent Customer Reported Error Rate (April through June, 2024) was 1 customer-reported error for every 6,491 message transactions processed.
Exceptionally Professional Staff: Our Telephone Service Representatives (TSRs) and Client Services personnel are very well paid, earning nearly double industry standards. With up to 40% of total compensation keyed directly to their own personal performance, our long-term staff is intensely motivated to provide your company with the most professional image possible.
Precise Quality Control Via Independent Quality Department: Once weekly, each TSR meets with our independent quality team to review and critique randomly selected messages processed the previous week. As noted above, with a high enough score, TSR’s receive a significant monthly bonus. This arrangement ensures service that is near-flawless.
State of the Art Equipment: Our telecom and internal communications equipment is cutting-edge and highly redundant, offering unmatched reliability.
Monthly Billing Cycle: At Centratel, bills are compiled from the first day of the month to the last day of the month, which means we bill you 12 times per year. The 28 day billing cycle is a not-uncommon ploy that enables telephone answering services to quietly secure a 13th billing each year.
No Long-term Contract: We bill on a month-to-month basis to give you the freedom to evaluate your arrangement with us each month and to give you the flexibility to modify or eliminate the arrangement should your circumstances change. Here is our Terms of Service agreement.
Call Unit Billing: We charge by the work we do, not by the time we spend. If you’re on a timed billing system with your current service, there’s no incentive for the TSR to be efficient. The longer the TSR and caller talk, the higher your cost!
Free Electronic Message Delivery: Messages are delivered free via email, email-to-cell (text message), alpha-numeric pager, or fax, putting your messages at your finger tips for no extra charge. You can also pick up your messages from the web. This protocol offers an enormous savings advantage over other answering services that tout lower call-unit charges while charging extra units for message delivery.
Independent Customer Service Department: Completely separate from our answering service operations department, our client services team performs frequent reviews of your account. This ensures your information is up to date and that you are consistently receiving the highest quality service.
30 Day Free Trial: At the end of the trial period you will make a determination of whether Centratel is the right choice!