Your HVAC operation is not so different from any other service business. You have sales, operations, administration, payrolls to meet, customers to acquire and then keep, and face all the standard vagaries of any marketplace.
Here I’m going to give you a 5-point overview of the Work the System Method and the Systems Mindset. I’ll leave out the dogmatic tenants of Lean, 6-Sigma, E-Myth coaching, and the other mysterious and expensive methodologies that ask you, the leader, to step aside. Things are much simpler than that! Let’s go one-layer-deeper, and with a simple mindset tweak, keep you in control. The following (slightly paraphrased) excerpt is from the Introduction of my second book, The Systems Mindset: Managing the Machinery of Your Life.
“If you really ‘get’ the following five points, you’ll be on your way to managing the machinery of your business and your life. The base-logic is so absurdly simple that nearly everyone overlooks it.”
“First: In this moment – and keeping in mind that life unfolds over a linear time frame – every single result and condition of your HVAC operation has been preceded by a one-step-at-a-time process…and every single result and condition of your future business will also be preceded by a one-step-at-at-a-time linear process.
“Second: To get the results you want in your operation – and in your life for that matter – you must assertively manage these ongoing processes/systems. Since most processes are recurring, you can improve them in the here and now so that when they execute again in the future, they’ll produce optimal results. And yes, some of this streamlining means altogether eliminating low-yield systems.
“Third: Your personal attributes will not deliver you what you want in your business or in your life. They can help, of course, but they won’t be directly responsible for your success. What matters is the ‘machinery,’ the machinery you create and maintain. And know this for sure: without exception, that machinery doesn’t give a whit about your personal qualities.
“Fourth: The world is not a mess! It’s an astonishingly organized place, with 99.9% of everything working just fine. Yes, this includes your HVAC operation that may seem chaotic, but actually is not so bad! Your operation’s in-your-face dysfunctions are probably relatively few. And know this for sure, too: You can quickly adjust them to be super-efficient.
“And fifth: Spiritual transcendence (amazement) lies in the mechanical details of the right here/right now. It’s not ‘out there’ somewhere. Keep your head down and go in the right direction and you will be startled at your new upward trajectory.”
If you analyze your super-successful HVAC competitors, you will see strong leaders, clean operating structures, a focus on efficiency (which includes great customer service to both clients and potential clients), a special interest in the well-being of staff, and great internal and external communication systems.
But then again, keep in mind that the number of super-successful HVAC operations are few and far between. Most struggle.
And to become a successful HVAC, part of that success is having expert on-the-phone customer assistance after-hours and during daytime busy periods. And yes, this means employing an elite, super high-quality answering service that actually specializes in HVAC. This is the quick and easy first-step in eliminating waste and super-charging efficiency.
You can do everything else right but there is no room to marginalize or neglect your communications with clients, potential clients, staff and vendors. Take proper care of your after-hours callers and provide a backup for a too-busy workday for your admin staff. It’s a no-brainer! Begin your transformation to that very small niche of the super-successful by insisting that your external and internal communications become superb.
-sam carpenter