Heating, air conditioning and ventilation companies can improve their performance and enhance their reputations by partnering with contractors that share their professionalism and commitment to customer service.
Partnerships between HVAC contractors and experienced answering service companies like Centratel Answering Service can be especially productive. Trained Telephone Service Representatives (TSRs) offer fast, reliable and efficient communication that benefits customers and HVAC companies alike.
If you own or manage an HVAC business, forming a relationship with a high-quality answering service provider can increase your profit margins and put you one step ahead of the competition.
The advantages of working with an answering service include:
- Reduced office staff requirements. An answering service can accept calls 24 hours a day, eliminating your need to hire a receptionist. This can be highly beneficial to smaller companies with limited budgets.
- Improved afterhours accessibility. Larger HVAC companies use an answering service for afterhours communications. When customers have late-night/early-morning emergencies that require immediate attention, a TSR can dispatch the message to an on-call technician immediately, guaranteeing that customers are never lost.
- A targeted, approach in messaging and public relations. A high quality answering service will have TSRs who will be friendly, courteous and fully informed about the services your business provides. Every phone call you receive from a customer, no matter its motivation, offers an opportunity to secure a client and/or boost your public image, and a trained TSR will embrace that responsibility.
- Gains in efficiency through specialization. Effective interactions with the public require experience, diplomacy and polished social skills, and when you hire experts to manage it, no one on your staff will be asked to step outside their comfort zone.
- Expanded capacity to cope with heavy demand. In addition to afterhours communications, answering services are often contracted to manage overflow calls during those busy times when your office phones are ringing off the hook. With TSRs standing by, potential customers must never be put on hold and none will hang up in disgust.
As a valuable supplement to your existing customer service department, a good answering service can take cancellation calls and quickly inform technicians to avoid unnecessary travel, pass along requests for routine maintenance appointments, contact account managers in the field about new sales inquiries, answer the public’s questions about the services you provide or filter unwanted and unsolicited contacts from telemarketers. In general, answering services can skillfully handle a multitude of necessary but inconvenient duties that might otherwise distract you or steal your staff’s valuable time.
Your HVAC business is operating in a highly competitive and challenging economic environment, and an answering service like Centratel can streamline your administrative procedures in ways that will boost your profits and elevate your brand image.