Covid-19 has drastically changed the world we live in. Social distancing means getting no closer than six feet from people that you do not live with to avoid contracting the disease or passing it on to someone else. Because you can have Covid-19 without any symptoms and still make others sick, healthcare organizations say you should behave as though you have it. However, there are plenty of people out there who do not have this luxury. To them, we offer our heartfelt thanks.
Protecting Us All
First responders, including nurses, doctors and other healthcare personnel as well as firefighters and police officers all continue to deal with emergencies. This potentially puts them in harm’s way as they are doing their job since they cannot observe the six-foot rule and must often be in close, prolonged contact with others. The services of janitors, a role that includes disinfecting workplaces, and many others who work in medical and other emergency facilities are critical to keeping things functioning. We say thank you to them as well.
Essential Businesses
Even during a pandemic, many businesses must continue to operate. Sadly, in some cases, it is more crucial than ever for certain businesses, such as funeral homes, to be able to continue operation. Furthermore, other medical issues do not go away, and this means that people with existing illnesses continue to need such services as home health care and hospice.
How Centratel Can Help
At Centratel, we want to continue helping your company respond to emergencies. The staff of many businesses and organizations are already stretched thinly during this time. In the meantime, they may be busier than ever. Centratel remains open to continue offering aid to the essential businesses that we support with our specialized telephone answering services.
It matters to us that our first responders and those who work in related fields are able to continue doing their important work. Our phone support can help make this happen. Centratel staff with our HIPAA-compliant medical answering service have the expertise and the sensitivity to continue responding to calls at any time of the day or night. Our other specialties include hospice, home health and funeral homes. We understand that in these industries, speed and accuracy can be literally a matter of life and death.
The best way for us to thank our first responders for their courageous and tireless work is by providing calm, compassionate and precise information to callers and understanding what action should be taken for each call. At Centratel, we’ll continue to show our gratitude by taking care of the phone lines while you manage the front lines.